Planning Workshop

Plan an MVP that is both minimum AND viable

This workshop is for when you'd like assistance preparing an implementation plan that supports the rapid delivery of value to your users and the rapid acquisition of feedback from your users.

To support this goal, we collaboratively find a series of 'thin slices' of useful capability that can be used by real users to achieve real goals. It's this real world usage that is the key to both happy customers and useful feedback.

It works well whether you are launching a new build, or planning a modernisation / transformation refresh.

Using mental models such as MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and RAT (Riskiest Assumption Test), as well as collaborative practices such as User Story Mapping, these workshops will set your team up for success with an implementation plan that is both minimum and viable, and which tackles the biggest risks & unknowns threatening your goals.


Important attendees at these workshops include product owners, product managers, technical leadership and senior developers.

If possible, it can be hugely beneficial to include real users & customers for their insights into what's important, and it can be very helpful for other members of engineering teams to participate to ensure they have context once in the midst of delivery.


Typically this workshop requires 2-3 hours to identify the scope and priorities for the first release candidate. I don't recommend planning too far beyond this, to ensure feedback and lessons learnt from the first iteration are included in plans for the second and beyond.