Accessibility + TDD == easy && !impossible

Using TDD to make more accessible, refactorable and usable sites.


Despite years of dramatic improvements in standards and tooling, many developers are still hesitant to invest too much time and energy into accessibility. There is a widespread myth in the industry that it will be hard work, and that few users would value it anyway.

In this talk, Maia Miller (Accessibility Consultant) & Chris Simon (TDD Trainer) will bust this myth wide open with a combo of live coding and experience of building more accessible and usable websites.

Test-Driven Development encourages writing tests that express the intent of user-meaningful outcomes and coupling those tests to stable public interfaces of the code. For a front-end, the most stable interfaces that capture the user's intention are the accessibility APIs.

Join Maia & Chris and learn how to combine the magic of TDD and accessibility to spend less time building better quality sites that are usable by more people.

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